Hyderabad: To spread awareness on road safety issues, the Rachakonda traffic police celebrated Rakshabandhan with a unique twist. Female police officials tied rakhis to male and female drivers who were driving without seat belts or helmets in order to raise awareness.
As a gift after tying the rakhi, the police asked the drivers to abide by traffic rules.
The drive was started from LB Nagar and was conducted across the Rachakonda Police commissionerate.
Mahesh Bhagwat, the police commissioner of Rachakonda, expressed his appreciation to the female officers for the thought-provoking and successful effort, noting that many of the violators felt upset and took the commitment seriously.
“Women constables have tied rakhis to whoever is violating traffic rules. We educated people not to triple ride or indulge in speeding, and to wear helmets and fasten seat belts at all times. But whoever did not follow, was treated with a rakhi,” an official said.