New Delhi: India has slipped four places in terms of overall skills proficiency globally, and stands at 68th position. Indian learners continue to lag in data science skills, a new report has revealed.
The proficiency in data science has dipped from 38 per cent in 2021 to 26 per cent this year in the country, leading to a 12-rank drop.
India scores low on foundational and specialised data science skills — data visualisation (10 per cent), statistical programming (14 per cent), data management (22 per cent), among others.
While India’s overall skills proficiency slips, fintech skills acquisition is ahead of global average, according to Global Skills Report (GSR) 2022, by US-based open online course provider Coursera.
In Asia, India stands at 19th position. The report also showed an increase in India’s technology proficiency levels from 38 per cent to 46 per cent, with the country strengthening its position by six spots.
The report drew data from 100 million learners in more than 100 countries who have used Coursera to develop a new skill during the past year.
“The ‘Great Resignation’ and automation are mandating stronger investments in human capital, as institutions must prioritise developing the high-demand digital and human skills required to build a competitive and equitable workforce,” said Jeff Maggioncalda, Coursera CEO.
The strongest skill in the domain for India continues to be machine learning (41 per cent).
With strong proficiency in key tech skills like cloud computing, theoretical computer science, and web development, India now ranks 56th globally in the domain compared to the 66th rank last year.
Cloud Computing is India’s strongest technology skill with 74 per cent proficiency.
The government, along with online learning platforms, fin-techs and experts in the financial sector, have been emphasising the need for new-age financial skills.
According to the report, learners in India are over-indexed in skills such as investment management (1.38 times), blockchain (1.33 times) and risk management (1.22 times).
West Bengal leads the Indian states in terms of skills proficiency. The state showed the highest levels of digital skills proficiency in the country, outpacing Karnataka.
Learners in West Bengal also earned a perfect 100 per cent proficiency in more than 10 skills such as leadership and management, human resources, cloud computing, computer programming, machine learning and data analysis.
Andhra Pradesh is one of the top three performing states, with high proficiency in business and technology skills, the report said.