Hyderabad: Ganja worth Rs 3000 was seized and five peddlers were arrested in an interstate drug racket bust on Thursday by SOT LB Nagar and Abdullahpurmet police.
The accused have been identified as Perumalla Rajinikanth, Mohammed Sameer, Vootkuri Sathwik Reddy, Todeti Vamshi, Gadipally Hemanth and Tirupathi, who is currently absconding.
Perumalla Rajinikanth, a student and a resident of Nakrekal of Nalgonda, was addicted to drugs and came in contact with Mohammed Sameer, a property offender, via Instagram.
The duo then hatched a plan to make money by procuring and selling Ganja to students, to execute which they stole a motorbike from Vanasthalipuram Market that belonged to AR Police Constable of Rachakonda Police.
The duo then left for Odisha, where they purchased 5 kgs of Ganja worth Rs 3000 from Chithrakonda, Malkangiri District and were apprehended while returning back.
Three other accused in the case Vootkuri Sathwik Reddy, Todeti Vamshi and Gadipally Hemanth were apprehended and provided money for the purchase of Ganja to be sold to students
The accused were produced before the court and will be remanded to judicial custody. Efforts are underway to apprehend the absconding accused.