Hyderabad: Apparently taking a swipe at Centre’s policies, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Sunday said that jawans and farmers are under stress, going against the spirit of ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan.’
After unveiling a 16-feet Gandhi statue at the state-run Gandhi Hospital here, Rao said Father of the Nation is the source of inspiration for some of the state government’s flagship programmes such as ‘Palle Pragathi’ (Rural development scheme) and ‘Pattana Pragati’ (Urban development scheme).
The famous slogan ‘Jai Jawan (soldier), Jai Kisan (farmer)’ was coined by former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri.
I want intellectuals to ponder over what is happening before our eyes today.. We should not keep quiet what is happening today? The words of Shastri ji- Jai Jawan is being crushed by Agneepath (Centre’s new scheme for recruitment in armed forces).”
On Jai Kisan slogan, he said the financial condition of farmers is facing deterioration due to lack of Minimum Support Price for their produce. Several suicides are taking place, he said.
Rao said statehood for Telangana was achieved following Mahatma Gandhi’s principles and the state has been moving forward with the same ideology.