Kerala student aggression goes viral; govt orders inquiry, teachers critiqued

The teenager has reportedly spoken to the police that he regrets the incident of momentary rage, and is ready to express his apology to his school teachers.

Reacting to a recent viral video of a student exhibiting aggression at a school in Palakkad, Kerala’s Higher Education Minister Dr R Bindu emphasized the need for a compassionate approach.

The minister urged teachers to console and understand the students’ issues with a tender touch, rather than recording such incidents and sharing them in Teachers’ WhatsApp groups.

The issue occurred on Friday, January 17, in a government school in Thrithala of Palakkad district, where the teachers confiscated the student’s mobile phone and was taken to the principal’s room. The school had a policy against students bringing smartphones to the school.

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However, the student responded with extreme aggression towards teachers, including the school principal AK Anil Kumar.

In the video of the incident, which was reportedly filmed and spread by the teachers of the school he was seen threatening to kill the teachers.

He was also seen using strong words against them, and pointing his fingers towards the teachers as he demanded to give his phone back.

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The incident that occurred was filmed and shared by the teachers, which went viral and shows the 16-year-old boy in an incriminating shade.

Local reports revealed that the student had been a victim of bad parenting and difficult social circumstances, which the teachers were reportedly aware of.

The student was reportedly suspended from the school, and the PTA has lodged a police complaint against the teenager.

Insensitive approach from the teachers draws ire

While the student’s violent reaction has been addressed as an issue and identified the correctional measures, the teachers are drawing criticism for an insensitive approach towards the student.

The governmental bodies including the Child Rights Commission, and educational ministers in Kerala have denounced the school teachers’ move of filming the vulnerable side of the minor student and spreading it across social media groups, which has been receiving critical reactions.

Kerala’s school education minister K Sivankutty said “While such reactions from students are uncalled for, children cannot be scolded and course-corrected if they do things not according to elders.”

“There are self-enlightenment programmes and mental health mentoring initiatives run by the government, but such incidents draw more attention towards strengthening them,” he added.

Comfort students in their emotional conflicts: Kerala minister

“How many children are around us who have to live with a volcano inside? Who is responsible for it? Are those babies? Broken homes, unloving environments, the whines of not being understood and the wounds of neglected childhoods can all be the cause of it.” Kerala’s Higher Education minister R Bindu, a teacher herself, reacted to the issue.

“For a minor student, it seems that a tender touch of understanding, comfort, and closeness to his pupil in his emotional conflicts is enough to change him. It is definitely not for the teachers to take the video and distribute it instead,” the Kerala minister added.

The Child Rights Commission has initiated an inquiry into the incident being filmed and spread across and has sought a report on the same. The Child Rights Commission is scheduled to visit the school on February 6.

Meanwhile, the teenager has reportedly spoken to the police that he regrets the incident of momentary rage, and is ready to express his apology to his teachers.

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