Mumbai: TV actress Sara Khan and her boyfriend Shantanu Raje are planning to take their relationship to the next level. The couple recently spilled beans about their marriage plans in an interview. Speaking to ETimes, the Lock Upp season 1 contestant confirmed they will be getting married in 2023.
“Inshallah this year in 2023,” both Sara and Shantanu said adding that they are currently focusing on their work.
Sara Khan fell in love again after her bitter past and she admitted that Shantanu makes her feel more secure than anyone else. She said that Shantanu made her feel that everyone is not bad . Sara also added that her beau helped her to get out of the past and said that he has always motivated her in life.
Sara said, ”He has made me feel so secure in life that I never get negative thoughts. Yes, it does become difficult to trust someone again as with some people because they have been cheated or wronged in life, the situation becomes worse. But I feel it is wrong to make yourself suffer just because you have been cheated or wronged once. You should give yourself and life another chance as not everyone’s the same. Every individual is different and I’ve got the best one,” citeed ETimes.
While Shantanu said, “The best part of our relationship is the amount of trust we have in each other. We know we are not from the same industry and due to work are going to stay away from each other but there is nothing called insecurity between us. Even Sara doesn’t have any insecurity when I am away from her because of my work. We trust each other a lot.”
The couple confirmed that both the families are fine with their relationship now. They said they never discuss their past with each other and due to that mantra their relationship cemented well.
Shantanu Raje is a pilot and restaurateur and he met Sara through common friends around three years ago. Sara Khan was earlier married to TV actor Ali Merchant. They got married at Bigg Boss 4 house in 2010, but got divorced after two months in 2011.