Mumbai: Stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui recently got married for the second time with Mumbai-based makeup artist Mehzabeen Coatwala. The couple had a private nikah ceremony attended only by close family members. While they haven’t shared any official pictures on Instagram, fans are eagerly waiting for a glimpse of the newlyweds.
Though Munawar hasn’t openly confirmed the marriage, he hasn’t denied it either. Both Munawar and Mehzabeen have been dropping subtle hints about their union.
And now, the first video of Munawar and Mehzabeen together from Dubai is surfacing online, and it’s heartwarming. The video shows dotting wife Mehzabeen cheering for Munawar during his show ‘Dhando’ at the Zabeel Theatre, Jumeirah Zabeel Saray. The comedian performed for the first time in Dubai on Saturday, June 22.
The video, shared by a friend on Instagram, also includes snaps of the couple with their friend. The friend captioned the video, “Well Done Damaad ji, A must see show @munawar.faruqui.” The video is quickly going viral.
Recently, Munawar delighted his fans with a picture on his Instagram broadcast channel, Munawar Ki Janta. The picture shows him holding Mehzabeen’s henna-clad hand while enjoying pizza with their children. Munawar’s son Mikael from his previous marriage and Mehzabeen’s daughter from her first marriage are also seen in the picture.