Naya saal mubaarak: Bas Itna Sa Khwaab Hai…

In addition to the nayé saal ki shubhh kaamnaayeiñ,  I want for myself (selfish fellow?)

Absence of lockdowns, free availability of oxygen, enough hospital beds, civic sense ensuring masks all the time (political masks excepted!), adequate medicines, rested and relaxed medical professionals, herd immunity from all variants of 2023-variant of Coronavirus, patriotic vision and sense in parliament’s political decisions replacing any slanted view, judicious judicial decisions including on heritage and minority issues, honest and fair deliberations on far reaching Constitutional and habeas corpus issues, and on new proposed misusable legislations replacing IPC, CrPC, Evidence Act, et al.

Also need,  “Disputes” like on places of worship and other “interesting” matters, celebration  of festivals within premises instead of on the streets, citizens living in harmony with peace + joy + loads of hålãl cash + leisure to spend it in hålãl ways + cruises to new lands + health + friends + love + stimulation + good books + clean water + safe healthy food + ice creams + zåbårdåssth movies +  fun + chaos + sound restorative sleep + chāi at the drop of a hat + peace of mind + a content soul + a political toxicity-free atmosphere, clean cool and bracing breeze + long countryside walks + the sound of birds in the mornings + new experiences + excitement + anything else I may have missed out on, for all LIFE long… freedom from all forms of toxic Raj… a political class that honours Constitutional principles and propriety… a judiciary that works as it should… politicians who work for the people… a media that reports honestly… a freeing of all occupied territories, a “Greater something” carved out of parts of England, USA and other NATO nations, accountability for all genocide anywhere, and that everyone standing up for justice and against tyranny has the spine, the staying power and the fighting spirit the best of resisting people have shown … PLUS a smiling peaceful departure AND of course a first class position in Heaven thereafter !!

Hyderabad Institute of Excellence

Bås ithni si håi  duaa, main zyaadå nahin maangtha!  Wish you all THAT !!  “Happy New Year”.

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