Hyderabad: In a lavish ceremony held at a renowned palace in Jaipur, popular Tollywood actor Sharwanand tied the knot with Rakshita Reddy. The couple married surrounded by their loved ones and family over a two-day wedding extravaganza filled with regal decorations, delectable cuisine, and enchanting music.
The festivities began on June 2 with a lively poolside haldi ceremony in the morning, where Sharwanand and Rakshita, dressed in white, joined their families, who were dressed in yellow, to enjoy the cheerful atmosphere. The day continued with a Bollywood-inspired evening sangeet, complete with vibrant performances and Sharwanand’s energetic dance moves to popular Tollywood numbers.
The main wedding ceremony took place on June 3 under a beautifully constructed mandap. Sharwanand and Rakshita completed the pheras, which marked their official union, dressed elegantly in matching gold and ivory ensembles. The joy and happiness continued until the early hours of the next day.
While the couple purposefully kept their special moments private in order to have an intimate affair, they have planned a grand celebration in Hyderabad on June 9. This event will allow their film industry friends, including notable guests like Ram Charan, Siddharth, and Aditi Rao Hydari, to join in the festivities and congratulate the newlyweds.
Sharwanand and Rakshita’s wedding was a lovely blend of love, elegance, and treasured memories. The couple set out on their journey together, making memories that they will cherish for a lifetime.