Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan, known as the ‘Badshah of Bollywood‘ and ‘King Khan’, made a surprise appearance outside his Mannat residence on June 11th, delighting his fans. The occasion was the upcoming worldwide television premiere of his film Pathaan, which will air on Star Gold on Sunday, June 18th, at 8 p.m. As fans gathered outside Mannat to commemorate the occasion, they set a Guinness World Record for the most people performing Shah Rukh Khan’s signature pose with arms stretched out.
During his appearance, Shah Rukh Khan wore an exquisite timepiece, the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore Self-Winding Chronograph, which retails for (69,800 USD) approximately Rs 57.4L. Yes, you read that right! As he interacted with his adoring fans, the luxury watch added a touch of class to his outfit.
Apart from this, King Khan owns another Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Chronograph hich comes with a staggering price of Rs. 31.1L!
Shah Rukh Khan greeted his fans from his home balcony, wearing a white D’Yavol hoodie and blue jeans. Cheers and shouts of his name erupted from the audience, expressing their admiration and love for the superstar.
The event’s highlight was a record-breaking moment in which Shah Rukh Khan and over 300 fans struck his signature pose at the same time, cementing their place in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Shah Rukh Khan’s surprise appearance and joyous celebration outside Mannat not only marked the anticipation for Pathaan’s television premiere but also showed his fans’ unwavering love and support for him. SRK remains the undisputed king of Bollywood, thanks to his charismatic presence and timeless style.
On the professional front, he has a cameo Dunki and Jawan in hs kitty. He will also be seen playing a cameo in Tiger 3.