Hyderabad: Police apprehended two individuals on Thursday, July 11, for allegedly persistently harassing a 19-year-old girl to accept their marriage proposal. Frightened by the incident, the girl died by suicide after consuming pesticide in Chintalagudem village of Nalgonda district.
The victim identified as K Kalyani initially ignored the accused K Madhu and A Shiva. However, when they threatened to tarnish her image on social media she became frightened.
On July 6, while her parents were attending a relative’s funeral, she consumed pesticide. She informed them about the incident who rushed back only to find her unconscious.
She was promptly moved to a government hospital in Nalgonda where she died while undergoing treatment.
Police have registered a case under section 108 (Abetment of suicide) of BNS. The accused has been placed under judicial remand
Further investigation is ongoing.