Hyderabad: The Telangana Congress on Saturday launched the “Thiragabadadham – Tharimikodadam” campaign, in a bid to garner public support amid the fast-approaching polls.
The campaign will see over 10,000 leaders and cadre of the party attempting to directly reach out to voters through 12,000-gram sabhas and 3,000 division meetings, the party said in a statement.
The campaign, which translates to ‘Let’s rise and revolt’, is touted as an aggressive step against the ruling Bharat Rashtra Samithi government.
It includes a chargesheet, postcard movement, and a unique people’s court event.
Citizens can support the campaign through a dedicated missed call number, 7661899899, Congress said.
Under the campaign, Telangana Congress aims to reach out to over 75 lakh households through a door-to-door initiative.