Telangana: Live-in partner dupes man of Rs 16 lakh in Karimnagar

She also asked him to register his ancestral land on her name if he wished to marry her

Hyderabad: A businessman was conned of Rs 16 lakh by his live-in partner in Karimnagar recently.

Nagaraj Yugi, a resident of Thimmapur village and mandal in Karimnagar district of Telangana, went to Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu a year ago for studies. He met Kamala Sandhya Priyanka, a native of Visakhapatnam. Both of them were in a live-in relationship and staying in Coimbatore.

In 2024, both of them came to Karimnagar and the parents of Nagaraj did not allow them to live together in the house, so the couple were staying in a different house in the same village.

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Nagaraj got Rs 16 lakh from his business partner after they wind up a business. Priyanka got the money transferred to the account of her relative and left for Australia for job purposes, said an official of LMD police station.

Priyanka called up Nagaraj and demanded additional Rs 3 lakh for some work. She also asked him to register his ancestral land on her name if he wished to marry her. The man started pestering his father, Mallaiah, to transfer the ancestral land on his name. Due to the harassment, Mallaiah lodged a complaint with police.

The police called Nagaraj to the police station and enquired about it. Nagaraj revealed to the police the entire story and after going away attempted suicide.

On a complaint lodged by Malliah, the police registered a case against Priyanka and investigated.

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