Hyderabad: A leopard on the prowl attacked and killed a calf at Rellagadda Thanda of Yalal mandal in Vikarabad district on Wednesday, October 16. The forest officials who reached the village confirmed the same and observed the movements of a young leopard in the area.
A calf belonging to Sakri Bai died in an attack on Tuesday night, after she tied her four cows and their calves near her agricultural field. A team of forest officials including forest range officer Rajender, forest beat officer Kasaiah and Yalal police reached the spot and inspected the scene of the incident.
The officials saw the pugmarks of a young leopard in the vicinity and came to the conclusion that it probably attacked and killed the bull.
“The wild animal attacked the rear and front parts of the calf’s body. Looking at the pugmarks we found and the way the attack happened, we have come to a preliminary conclusion that it was an attack by a young leopard,” said FRO Rajender.
FRO Rajender urged the people not to kill any wild animal, and to be aware that any loss to livestock due to an attack by a wild animal will be compensated by the forest department.
“A veterinary doctor will have to certify that the calf died by an attack by a wild animal. Then either the panchayat secretary or the village sarpanch should certify that the calf belonged to Sakri Bai. Then compensation will be given as per the procedure,” he said.
He asked the farmers venturing into their fields in the evening hours, to burn a ‘Nigidi,’ which is a small fire near the fields between 6 to 7 pm, which will deter the wild animals from attacking people or their domesticated animals.
People living in the nearby villages have been asked to remain cautious while venturing out, and not to enter the forest alone. He also advised the farmers not to tie their goats, sheep and cattle in their fields or near their agricultural wells. He also cautioned women and children not to go behind the bushes in the morning to attend nature’s call and to stay home after dark.
The carcass of the calf was sent for further medical investigation.