Mumbai: Don 3 is in the scripting stage and it has been in the news for quite some time now. Producer Ritesh Sidhwani who had recently confirmed that Farhan Akhtar is working on the script for the third instalment of the film series Don. Fans were expecting that Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan will be seen in action as Don again. However, it has now been reported that King Khan has made an exit from the film. Since the reports of the Pathaan actor’s exit from the film came, netizens were discussing who will replace him in the third instalment. If you too want to know, we have an update, just keep scrolling.
The co-producer of Don 3 Farhan Akhtar had revealed that its script will be finished soon. After SRK’s exit from the franchise, it is reported that now Ranveer Singh will replace him in the film.
Yes, according to the report in News18, Don 3 makers selected Ranveer Singh for the 3rd instalment. The report also reads that the change in the casting has already been informed to Shah Rukh Khan. Ranveer Singh has earlier collaborated with Excel Entertainment too.
A source close to News18 said, “Following Shah Rukh’s exit, the makers of Don 3 were looking for a popular and bankable name who could take the Don legacy ahead. And they have finally zeroed in on Ranveer. This association has borne fruit in the past and it will be no surprise if the collaboration proves to be another runway hit. We’re waiting to see how fans of the Don franchise react to Ranveer’s casting considering Shah Rukh won over everyone with his charismatic portrayal of Don.”
The source further revealed, “The audience awaiting the announcement with bated breath. In fact, the video featuring Ranveer has already been shot and the production house is planning to release it without further delay.”