Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Idol Wing has traced three idols stolen from the state to the Christie's auction house, Sotheby's and another in Manhattan, and also initiated steps to retrieve them, Friday, Dec. 30, 2022. (PTI Photo) Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Idol Wing has traced three idols stolen from the state to the Christie’s auction house, Sotheby’s and another in Manhattan, and also initiated steps to retrieve them, Friday, Dec. 30, 2022. (PTI Photo) Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Idol Wing has traced three idols stolen from the state to the Christie’s auction house, Sotheby’s and another in Manhattan, and also initiated steps to retrieve them, Friday, Dec. 30, 2022. (PTI Photo) Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Idol Wing has traced three idols stolen from the state to the Christie’s auction house, Sotheby’s and another in Manhattan, and also initiated steps to retrieve them, Friday, Dec. 30, 2022. (PTI Photo) TagsIdol Wing idols Photos Tamil Nadu Press Trust of India Follow on Twitter | Published: 31st December 2022 2:45 pm IST Facebook X LinkedIn Pinterest Messenger Messenger WhatsApp Telegram