Aligarh: A heated exchange took place on Thursday, April 11, between police and some people attending Eid prayers at an eidgah here who had put up a banner with the slogan “Free Palestine”, police said.
Policemen posted there objected to the banner causing a minor altercation with the demonstrators but the matter was quickly defused, they said.
“Three or four youths had put up a banner with ‘Free Palestine’ slogans and were making an appeal to raise funds for their drive,” Circle officer (City) Abhay Pandey said in an official statement.
Police secured CCTV footage of the incident, Pandey said. Delhi Gate police are investigating the matter and appropriate action will be taken on the basis of evidence, he said.
District authorities said Eid was celebrated peacefully in the city. Congregational prayers at the Shahjamal Aligarh Eidgah complex were held amid tight precautionary measures to maintain law and order.