Hyderabad: Upasana Kamineni Konidela, the wife of Telugu actor Ram Charan, recently took to Instagram to congratulate her father-in-law and actor Chiranjeevi on being conferred with the prestigious Padma Vibhushan award. She shared a heartwarming picture of the megastar with his five granddaughters, including Klin Kaara Konidela, on her Instagram handle.
In the caption of her post, Upasana called Chiranjeevi an ‘inspiration’ and expressed her love for him.
This is not the first time that Upasana has shared pictures of Chiranjeevi with his granddaughters. Earlier, she had shared an adorable picture of Klin Kaara with her grandparents from the ceremony. The picture shows Klin Kaara sitting on Surekha Konidala’s lap while Chiranjeevi looks at her with a smile on his face.
Earlier, Chiranjeevi’s son, mega star Ram Charan congratulated him and wrote:
Chiranjeevi is one of the most celebrated actors in the Telugu film industry. He has acted in over 150 films and has won several awards for his performances. The Padma Vibhushan, which is one of the highest civilian honors in India, recognizes individuals for their exceptional service in various fields, including the arts, literature, sports, public service, and more.
Ram Charan and Upasana welcomed Klin Kaara at Apollo Hospital in Hyderabad on June 20.