Hyderabad: A heartwarming video featuring Allu Ayaan, the adorable son of Telugu superstar Allu Arjun, has taken the internet by storm. In the clip, young Ayaan showcases his musical talent by singing Shah Rukh Khan’s hit song ‘Lutt Putt Gaya’ from Dunki while riding in a car. Sporting a printed T-shirt, he exudes confidence and joy as he belts out the catchy tune.
Allu Ayaan’s Viral Video
The video, shared by SRK’s fan club on social media, has garnered immense attention. Fans from all corners of the globe have flooded the comments with adoration.
SRK reacts to Allu Ayaan’s Video
After hearing Allu Ayaan’s rendition of the said track, superstar Shah Rukh Khan took to social media and posted, ‘Thank u lil one… you are flower and fire both rolled into one!!! Now getting my kids to practice singing @alluarjun’s Srivalli… ha ha”!
Recently, Allu Arjun was at the ‘Berlin Film Festival’ for the screening of Pushpa. After the screening, he took time to interact with his fans and audiences in Berlin. The crowd chanted Ayaan’s name, and Allu Arjun was quick to appreciate the attention his son received. Bunny’s Hyderabadi slang is something that caught our attention.
In response to the crowd, the doting father with a twinkle in his eye, playfully said, “Model Bolthey,” emphasizing Ayaan’s popularity on social media.
This isn’t the first time the Allu kids have captured our hearts. Earlier, Allu Arha, Ayaan’s sister, wowed us with her dance moves to Bobby Deol’s ‘Jamal Kudu.’ Balancing a plate on her head.
On the film front, Allu Arjun is currently working on “Pushpa 2: The Rule,” the sequel to his globally acclaimed film “Pushpa: The Rise”. Pushpa 2 is gearing up for a grand release on August 15, 2024.