Mumbai: The Internet is abuzz with rumors suggesting that cricket legend Virender Sehwag and his wife, Aarti Ahlawat, may be heading for a divorce after 20 years of marriage. Reports claim the couple has been living separately and even unfollowed each other on social media. While neither has confirmed the news, it has brought attention to Sehwag’s achievements both in cricket and his financial success.
Virender Sehwag’s Net Worth and Cricket Earnings
Virender Sehwag has an estimated net worth of Rs. 350 crore as of 2024. His cricket career played a big role in building his fortune. He earned well from contracts with the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) and the Indian Premier League (IPL).
Brand Endorsements
Sehwag has worked with top brands like Adidas, Samsung, Reebok, Boost, and Hero Honda. These endorsements have added significantly to his wealth over the years.
Social Media Income
After retiring from cricket, Sehwag became very active on social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. In 2024, he earned Rs. 30 crore, with Rs. 24 crore coming from his social media promotions and collaborations.
Virender Sehwag International School
Sehwag started the Sehwag International School in Haryana on a 23-acre campus. The school focuses on combining sports and education to develop young talent, showing his dedication to helping the next generation.
Virender Sehwag’s Home, Cars
Sehwag lives in a luxurious mansion in Hauz Khas, Delhi, worth Rs. 130 crore. His house has modern amenities like a personal gym and a swimming pool. He also owns luxury cars, including a Bentley Continental Flying Spur and a BMW 5 Series.
Philanthropy and Smart Investments
Sehwag supports many social causes through the Virender Sehwag Foundation, including education for underprivileged children. He has also made smart investments, such as collaborating on cricket-related NFTs, which show his innovative thinking.