In a heartwarming story, an Andhra woman from Tamarada village, Kirlampudi Mandal, Kakinada district, welcomed her newlywed son-in-law by preparing 100 dishes for him. In a video that went viral, the groom, Ravi Teja, is seen flabbergasted over how he is going to finish eating all of them.
Ratnakumari of Tamarada village, Kirlampudi mandal of Kakinada district got married to Ravi Teja of Kakinada in September last year.
The mother-in-law made the grand gesture during the groom’s first visit to their home after the Ashada month, which is considered inauspicious for marriage and other celebratory occasions. The spread had dishes spanning from traditional Andhra cuisine to contemporary modern dishes.
Andhra households have a tradition of cooking elaborate meals for their son-in-laws to express their love for them. It is done to establish strong bonds and accept newlyweds as a part of the family.
Similar traditions can also be seen in Bengali households, where the family cooks elaborate meals for their ‘jamai’ or the son-in-law.
In January this year, a family from Anakapalli hosted their son-in-law with a remarkable feast layout of 300 food items. The fest was on the occasion of Makar Sankranti. The dishes included biryani, zeera rice, fried rice, tomato rice, pulihora and dozens of sweets.