Google to delete dormant Gmail accounts – Know how to secure yours

There will be no risk of deletion for Google accounts that have uploaded at least one video to YouTube.

Google is gearing up to delete millions of dormant Gmail accounts next month to protect active users from security threats. The company has already begun sending warnings to users.

Following the move, accounts that have been dormant for at least two years will be deleted. These account holders will not only lose emails but also documents, spreadsheets, photos, and videos.

Dormant accounts to receive notifications

Before deleting the dormant Gmail accounts, Google is going to send multiple notifications. Associated recovery email addresses will also receive notifications.

If users do not act on the notifications, Google will completely remove the dormant Gmail accounts and all associated services.

How to secure Gmail accounts

Dormant Gmail accounts can be easily secured. To prevent a Gmail account from being deleted, the user should access it and send at least one email.

They can also use Google Drive, download an app from the Google Play Store, or at least perform a Google Search while logging into the account.

There will be no risk of deletion for Google accounts that have uploaded at least one video to YouTube.

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