Hyderabad Children’s parliament suggests affordable healthcare for all

A 5 percent increase in the annual health budget with an increase in the number of basti dawakhanas and public hospitals was suggested by the cabinet.

Hyderabad: The cabinet members of ‘Hyderabad City Children’s Parliament’ have called for equitable and affordable healthcare for the less privileged sections of society.

The members while hosting a meeting at the Press Club in Hyderabad on Monday, submitted resolutions to create awareness of health issues in slum communities.

They stated, “We the members representing the children of the city, especially those living in slums, deliberated on United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3, Good Health and Well Being, in the winter session held on December 18.”

Hyderabad Institute of Excellence

Progressive enhancement of water supply and sanitation of people living in slums of Hyderabad in the next three years, to achieve World Health Organisation (WHO) standards, were highlighted as resolutions for the winter session.

The parliament had proposed equitable and affordable healthcare services to be provided to all citizens irrespective of social and economic status.

However, a 5 percent increase in the annual health budget with an increase in the number of basti dawakhanas and public hospitals was suggested by the cabinet.

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The parliament further proposed free mental health awareness camps in slum communities by the government along with the extension of the ESI scheme to all unorganised workers.

ESI (The Employee State Insurance Corporation Scheme) provides members financial protection in case of an untimely health-related eventuality while offering medical benefits, disability benefits, maternity benefits, and unemployment allowance.

Padma Shri and Ramon Magsaysay awardee Shantha Sinha and director of Montford Social Institute Varghese Theckanath participated in the meeting.

Their resolution will be presented to government departments, the GHMC commissioner, and principal secretaries of the health and education departments.

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