Hyderabad: In view of Bonalu festival celebrations on Sunday, Rachakonda police commissionerate has announced the closure of all liquor outlets, toddy compounds, and bars attached to restaurants, including bars in star hotels and registered clubs within the Maheshwaram zone from 6 am on Sunday, till 6 am on Monday, July 21.
This applies to the jurisdiction of Maheshwaram, Ibrahimpatnam and Adibatla police stations.
The Telangana Traffic Police department has issued an advisory regarding traffic diversions and parking arrangements at Secunderabad ahead of the Bonalu festival. Traffic diversions and parking arrangements will be made from midnight till the completion of the festival on July 22.
“The general public is requested to avoid the roads and junctions of Karbala Maidan, Ranigunj, Old Ramgopalpet, Paradise, Plaza, SBI Road, YMCA, Roads, St. Johns Rotary, Sangeeth Road, Patny Road, Park lane, Bata, Ghasmandi Roads, Bible House, Ministers Road, Rasoolpura from 12:00 am on July 21 till the completion of the festival on July 22, given the expected traffic congestion,” the advisory said.