Hyderabad: In a major jolt to the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS), the Telangana High Court ordered the disqualification of the party’s 2022 Adilabad local bodies MLC Dande Vittal. He was alleged to have forged the signature of his political opponent Pattireddy Rajeshwar Reddy, and submitted those papers to get Reddy’s nomination withdrawn in the MLC election.
After the BRS fielded Vittal as its official candidate in the MLC election, disgruntled BRS leader Rajeshwar Reddy filed his nomination as an independent. However, he found that his nomination papers were withdrawn and by that it was too late. He went to the High Court seeking Vittal’s disqualification as an MLC, alleging that the latter had forged his signature and filed for the withdrawal of his nomination.
The High Court gave its order disqualifying Vittal from his MLC post on Friday. The court has also levied a fine of Rs 50,000 on Vittal, who is now expected to file an appeal in the Supreme Court.
Even in the past, former Kothagudem BRS MLA Vanama Venkateshwar Rao, who was disqualified in a similar manner, had also approached the Supreme Court to get a stay order.