Hyderabad: In a daring act of heroism, a local teenager named Sai Charan saved the lives of 50 workers trapped in a massive fire that engulfed the Allen Homeo and Herbal Products in Nandigama on Friday evening, April 26.
The fire, suspected to have been caused by welding work, quickly spread through the building, putting the lives of the workers at risk. However, Sai Charan, who noticed the blaze, sprang into action.
Risking his own safety, Sai Charan swiftly climbed up the building and tied a rope, providing a lifeline for the trapped workers. With his quick thinking and courage, he facilitated the safe evacuation of the workers, who would otherwise have faced certain death.
Senior police officers commended Sai Charan for his heroic act, acknowledging that his timely intervention saved numerous lives. Meanwhile, authorities, including two fire engines and police personnel, arrived at the scene and initiated rescue operations.
Using ladders, rescue teams brought some workers out of the building’s windows. The community is hailing Sai Charan as a true hero whose bravery and selflessness have prevented a tragedy of immense proportions.